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  • Writer's pictureTharun sai E

Why Emotional Intelligence is Important For Students

Be it a work place or be it a school, or in family/ friends circle – Emotional Quotient (EQ) is very important.

Emotional Intelligence is an ability to understand, interpret one’s own emotions and as well as others’ and responding appropriately to them. 

In the busy schedule of attending classes, tutorials, coaching classes, assignments and exams most of the students not only fail to understand others’ emotions but forget to take care of their own mental health and emotions!!

Our education has always emphasised on academic results, but is that all we need to get success in our life? Why are students performing very well in schools and called as best students not able to handle the college / peer pressure, is this something which can’t be handled or these students have never been taught about this. Emotions do affect how and what we learn. Being more aware of our emotions and reaction to it will help us manage the stress. Once we learn to understand our emotions we will be able to communicate better. 

Here are a few tips to enhance EQ

  • Self-awareness – Identify your emotions; ask “How am I feeling today”. Put a name to that emotion. Take a couple of hours time out and think through as to what made you feel that way. Also identifying what thought led to this emotion will help us to understand the reason for the way we feel. 

  • Empathy – Start observing others emotions, respond to others in a way that you would want someone to respond to you. Try to put yourself in other shoes and understand their perspective being empathetic will help you handle the situations well.

  • Communicating – It plays an important role in developing and maintaining good relationships. Developing quality relationships has a very positive effect on all. The ability to express personal concerns without anger or passivity is a key asset.

  • Dealing with Exam Stress – Stress is not always bad. Stress is just emotional strain and body’s response to demanding circumstances. There are 2 kinds of stress Eustress (positive stress) and Distress (negative stress),

Eustress is positive, is short‐term, and motivates us to do better, focuses on our coping abilities and energies and help us improve our performances. Positive stress comes from the anticipation of pleasurable events such as falling in love, participating the game, joining a new class etc this might cause some physical symptoms but it’s generally the excitement.

Distress is a negative stress which causes anxiety or concern, Decreases performance. It is perceived as outside of our coping abilities. This can lead to mental and physical problems. This comes as a feeling of being attacked emotionally or physically. Problems at school, a death of a family member, losing the loved ones are some of the examples of negative stress.

The stress felt during exams is a natural reaction for your mind to get in the “preparation and performance mode”.

It turns into anxiety and distress when you add the pressure of expectations to it, leading to fear of failure.

So stop interpreting all stress as bad – if the upcoming exam is stressing you up accept it and work towards them. Believe in yourself. If you have already finished studying, great!! Just calm down and revise. If you haven’t finished yet no problem pick up the books and focus on the important chapters and solve the sample question papers.

Get enough sleep, eat healthy drink enough water and take a break. Exams are not end of everything; don’t let that get to you too much!! All the Best!!

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